April 25, 2009

A message from the orange cat

I am too a big tough cat and I have the fuzzed up tail to prove it! And, yes, it's just as tough to fuzz up your tail from the safety of the lounge after bolting through the cat door. Ignore the grey cat when she tries to tell you otherwise. She thinks she's clever cos her tail is fluffy all the time.

Bit by bit

Amongst other things, I read Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews over Friday and this morning. It's the third in the Kate Daniels series and the books keep getting better.

I think she does setting really well. For me, setting is something I go back and layer in. My first drafts are very talking heads and I'm first drafting now, so it's easy to read something and go 'but my stuff isn't like that'. No, right now it's not. Do not compare thyself to others while drafting. When you're in the throes of a book it's easy to read and think "I bet everyone else just sits down and brilliant polished prose flows like wine from their fingers". But it doesn't. (And if it does for you, please don't tell me while I'm doing a slog book). Bit by bit, word by word. That's how books are built. And first drafts are for finding the story.

One day I might remember this.

By the way, Ilona blogs here and has a very good series on reworking paragraphs if you look at her paragraph troubleshooting tag.

April 23, 2009

A new (old) crush

Apparently it's Thursday night again...how does this keep happening? Blink and a week goes by.

Anyway yesterday my quickflix coughed up Disc 1 of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. I had mixed feelings about it. It's hard to watch something when I know there's only one season. Either you're setting yourself up for Firefly style anguish and "why oh why idiot TV people did you cancel this" or it's bad and probably deserved to be canned (note this doesn't necessarily apply to British TV where they like to just toy with you by making short seasons of good stuff and maybe lob another one at you every so often just when you've given up hope).

But it was Wednesday and House had left kind of a sad taste in my mouth, so I chucked it in.

And man oh man, Aaron Sorkin, how I love thy writing. I mean, I knew I loved his stuff, the West Wing is one of my all time favourite TV shows and I like the American President and Sports Night has chunks of brilliance but I forget how much. His rhythms and style just fit me to a tee for some reason. I like his characters - his friendships, his smart women (and smart men) who still manage to do dumb things. His characters are passionate. And funny. And really, he's one of those writers who creates worlds that I want to be able to open a door and step into. Jealousy abounds.

Two episodes in and I'm in "why oh why cruel television gods" territory already and looking forward to the next episode like a chocolate fix. Don't get me wrong, I can see already why it didn't become a ratings bonanza - he's always a very political writer and the politics that fit pretty naturally in something like the West Wing don't seem to sit quite so easily amongst the set of a comedy show (albeit a satiric social commentary comedy show). Still, I'm already kind of hooked. And seeing lots of actors who are old friends from his other shows is great (and yet I believe them as the new characters....unlike Supernatural where it took me forever to make the mental click that Dean-from-Gilmore-Girls is called Sam and Dean is the other one lol). Plus hey, Matthew Perry is never hard on the eyes and I always had a crush on Bradley Whitford as Josh. Excuse me while I go and watch some more (then start cursing that I have to wait until next week for the next fix).

April 21, 2009

April 15, 2009

If you want a boost

Go watch this. (sorry, no embedding for some reason). Go Susan.

And now I have realised I only own Les Mis on vinyl and still love some of the music. Off to iTunes I go.

April 14, 2009


Oh Zokutou, why wilt thou not unbork thyself? Thou art prettiest of the meters and I miss thee.

In other news, I have cracked 5k. I shall not contemplate how long it has taken to get here or how many times I've rewritten this chapter. Onwards, into the fray.

Surely it should not be so hard to write about this guy:

April 13, 2009

Amazon fail

Dear Amazon

If your customers wish to exclude adult content from their search results and you feel it necessary to address that wish, you provide them with a little check box on the search page that says "exclude adult content from results". You do NOT start stripping authors of their sales rankings and censoring for everyone based on a very skewed definition of 'adult' which seems mainly to rely on the content touching on GBLT themes whether explicit or not so that they do not appear in all department searches thereby hurting the publishers and authors who provide the content on which your business depends. Discrimination and censorship in one go from a bookseller = FAIL.

Methinks the only thing that probably stopped you including hetero romance and erotica in this (though some authors seem to have been caught anyway) is the fact that romance is the single biggest selling genre in most of the world and you just can't be that dumb. Though you've probably managed to severely annoy a large percentage of the romance writer and reader population with this.

No dollars from me until you fix this.

If people want some alternative bookstore suggestions (particularly if you're in Oz):

www.bookdepository.uk (free shipping everywhere unlike Amazon)
www.fishpond.com.au (free shipping for orders over $50 au)
www.deepdiscount.com (again, cheaper international shipping than Amazon)
www.powells.com (again, cheaper international shipping than Amazon)
www.alibris.com (used)

Finally Amazon Rank.

April 12, 2009


is approximately my expression when I realise I am almost out of hot cross buns!

Hope everyone has had a nice holiday-of-your-preference weekend. Woot for no work tomorrow!

April 03, 2009

Catching up

Yikes, time is speeding by and I have been awol from the blog. Everything is busy busy with a project at work and I also had to watch Series 4 of Battlestar Galactica, one of my favourite shows. One which Australian TV has, as usual, treated pretty shabbily in terms of programming. But anyway, I have been gulping it down in big watching binges and watched the last episode today. It made me cry which not many TV shows do. Though there was one plot thread that I didn't like the resolution to (not saying which due to spoilerness for Aussies who quite possibly haven't seen it yet). The rest was pretty good. And now I am sad that its over. Thank goodness for DVDs.

In other news, I'm slowly getting over my bug which has made the second half of March a bit of a write-off in exercise and socialising terms. I did my Nia class last night and have a three week intensive workshop tomorrow so hopefully that will get me back on the wagon. I'll have to work my way back up to Cardio Coach Volume 4 I think but I'll get there. Apart from that the weekend holds writing, napping and maybe a bit more sewing.

Which isn't that interesting, so instead I shall tell you Keri's exciting news...her book is debuting at #6 on the NYT list next week, so let there's be champagne and rejoicing. Go read about it at the Deadline Dames.

To finish, somehow I forgot to blog the bag I made last weekend, so here it is:

This is the Large Tote and Satchel pattern from Nicole Mallalieu which was easy to make and looks really good (in fact, my mum has already asked for one lol). I wanted to use the cute elephant fabric but thought it would be a bit much for a bag exterior. Luckily it went beautifully with some nice aqua duck cloth (it is aqua even though it looks pale blue in the photos). This was my first bag with a hard base (medium fast 2fuse and Vilene S520 in this case), my first use of fusible wadding (flap and strap) and my first attempt at o-ring straps too, so I'm pretty happy with the way it's turned out. Though I think I need to practice top stitching straps some more. Might be time for the good old post it note seam guide trick.

This weekend I'm going to hopefully put the border on my big bright quilt (my blue and cream one is off at the quilting place) and make a coin purse to match my Frenchy bag. Then we'll see what takes my fancy for the next project.