It's still a little hard to believe that sometime next year people will be able to pull my book off the shelf and (hopefully!) enjoy their time in my stories. But it's true and to celebrate that fact, I've decided to celebrate some of the authors who've given me so much enjoyment over the years and have some role to play in the type of writer I am today.
So every month until my book comes out, I'll be giving away one of my favourite books on my blog to hopefully introduce some old and new favourite authors to some new readers. To be eligible to win all you have to do is comment on one of my posts for the month. If you comment on more than one post then you get more than one entry into the draw (though multiple comments on one post still only get you one entry). Each month I'll post the giveaway book around the 1st or 2nd and draw the previous month's winner. (I am reserving the right to vary the rules from month to month as hey, this is my contest : ) ).
Given I read in a wide variety of genres, there will be a variety of books...books I hope you'll love like I do but as with all things in life, taste is individual : ). I'd imagine a large percentage of them will end up being fantasy, romance and urban fantasy but you never know what might turn up.
Eventually I'll have other contests to do with my books but until then...let's get the ball rolling...
This month's book is Sunshine by Robin McKinley. A book that Neil Gaiman describes as "Pretty much perfect" and I tend to agree.

I've blogged about Sunshine before but it's a book that I resisted for a while. I kept picking it up in the bookstore, reading the blurb then putting it back down. But one day I thought "there's a reason" I keep picking this up and I bought it. That was probably in 2007 and I hadn't read anything else of Robin's at that point. I took Sunshine home that night, opened it up and pretty much didn't move from my couch until I was done, so smitten was I with the book. I've re-read it many many times since then and I love it more every time. I own two copies because I'm wearing out my first rapidly.
Sunshine is one of those cross genre books that's hard to describe. The closest I can come is alt-earth paranormal with a smidge of horror fantasy romance. It's funny and scary and romantic and full of food that will make you starving hungry every time you read it. The heroine is cranky and delightful and very real. It's a very unique world and Robin has a wonderful voice. Sunshine is definitely one of my all time favourite books. Since reading it I've read all Robin's other books. Other favourites of hers include Chalice, Dragonhaven, Spindle's End and The Blue Sword. I'm eagerly awaiting Pegasus, her next book which is due out in November this year (way too long to wait, so I'll just have to keep re-reading until then).
To whet your's the start of the back cover blurb...
"There are places in the world where darkness rules, where it's unwise to walk. But the lake had been quiet for years... She never heard them coming. Of course, you don't when they're vampires."
So comment away this month and a copy of Sunshine could be winging its way to you next month!
PS I'll be posting the winner and will give them two weeks to claim the book after which there will be a re-draw of the prize. So if you don't want to miss out, don't forget to check back or subscribe to the blog or follow me on Twitter so as not to miss the announcement.
Hi Mel,
This book sounds fascinating (I'm a huge fan of a first para/page that hooks you in) - and you must be sooo excited about your book coming out. Congratulations and good luck with your WIPs (two at once, you're a legend!) ;)
I've already screamed about the call, so I'm a little hoarse , but I wanted to say in my whispery little voice that Sunshine is an amazing book, and whoever wins it is A) very lucky; and B) in for a fabulous read.
Jo, the second Wip is just my play around when I'm stuck with other stuff wip : )
Katy, yes, someone is hopefully going to love Sunshine as much as we do. Sometimes I feel almost jealous when I lend a great book to someone...knowing they could have that same fabulous experience...or you know, hate it to bits lol
Congrats on your book. Sunshine sounds like a wonderful book, always looking for new authors and books to read. Eileen
I had won a book in a contest and yet everytime I picked it up, I didn't start to read until last month. Interesting that the book was very good and now I want to read more from the author. Sort of like your experience with this book.
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